AI Needs Requirements Too!

What happens when you ask AI to generate an image?

Have you ever asked AI to generate an image and found that the image just isn’t what you had in mind? I’m sure that some artificial intelligence sites probably do this better than others, but for the purpose of this exercise, I have selected Copilot for the simple reason that it was readily available through the browser, free, and I did not have to create an account.

I want to demonstrate how unclear specifications can lead to unexpected or unwanted results.

This is a common problem that we see a lot at Solution Architects. Organisations come to us seeking assistance in evaluating technology solution capabilities, without really understanding what it is that their organisation needs.


This is a play back of an actual circumstance where I utilised AI to generate an image and got increasingly frustrated as I went. At the end of this demonstration, you will see how critical it is to clearly define your requirements before requesting a design. Watch what happens when I ask Copilot to perform, what I thought was, a simple task…

Me: Give me an image of a cup of coffee


Ok, nice image. Very warm and inviting, however, I was hoping for something a bit simpler and less cluttered. By adding “one” I thought I would just get the cup…

Me: Give me an image of one cup of coffee


Ok, this is a little frustrating. I just want the cup!!

Me: Give me an image of just one cup of coffee, nothing else


Lovely warm café feel, but not really winning here. Need to be a bit more specific.

Me: Give me an image of just one cup of coffee, nothing else, no background, just the cup of coffee, with latte art (note the change of scope adding latte art?)


What’s with the hands, spices and beans? I thought I asked for no background.
Let’s try again…

Me: Give me an image of just one cup of coffee, nothing else, no background, just the cup of coffee, white background, no coffee beans, keep the latte art.


For some reason it wants to add in other embellishments. It is as though it has a mind of its own.
Ok, time to be very specific….

Me: Cup of steaming coffee with latte art, sitting on a white background with no other objects other than the coffee cup.


At Last! Success! But at what expense?

See the importance of clearly articulating your requirements? Had I taken a moment to be specific and list my coffee cup requirements in the first place, I would have eliminated unnecessary attempts at clarification.

Let’s put the theory to the test…

This time I will ask Copilot for something different, but I will be very specific in my request.

Me: Give me an image of a white bowl with two scoops of pink ice cream, with only one cherry on top of the ice cream. The bowl must be sitting on a white background with no other objects in the image.


Perfect, first time!

To be honest, I was actually pretty surprised when Copilot delivered me exactly what I asked for!

Key Takeaway

Investing in requirements gathering is essential for any successful business development.

Don’t think this is just a Waterfall problem either. Although my experience may appear to have been an iterative approach, even Agile needs clear specifications and acceptance criteria.

Neglecting this step can lead to ambiguity, forcing design teams to operate with insufficient information, resulting in wasted time, resources, and budget, as stakeholders attempt to clarify objectives retrospectively.

As humans, we tend to fill in the gaps and make assumptions when specifications are not clear.

Do you really know what you want?

Does your organisation have the expertise to position your requirements to get the best technology outcome?

We at Solution Architects can assess your project’s positioning and provide valuable unbiased guidance, to make sure you have everything in order.

Before You Go… it’s Your Turn!

Ask Copilot to generate an image for you and share your experience in the comments.

Remember to be specific, AI can’t read minds…YET!